The Collected Vinyar Tengwar : Volume 4 (Issues 31-40)
praca zbiorowa
Contains: In issue 36 - A chart showing The Entu, Ensi, Enta Declension - also reproduced in facsimile. In issue 37 - The Túrin Prose Fragment - an example of the tengwar of Rúmil - also reproduced in facsimile. In issue 39 - The section of Quendi and Eldar Appendix D that was omitted from The War of the Jewels (1994). Also includes an associated essay, Ósanwe-kenta: Enquiry into the Communication of Thought. In issue 40 - Narqelion - the first Elvish poem - also reproduced in facsimile. Edited by Carl F. Hostetter. źródło opisu: The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship, 2005 źródło okładki: zdjęcie autorskie
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