The Collected Vinyar Tengwar : Volume 3 (Issues 21-30)
praca zbiorowa
Collects ten issues of the journal. Contains: In issue 21 - Si man i-yulmar n(g)win enquatuva - an inscription in tengwar. In issue 22 - A tengwar inscription from Simonne d'Ardenne's copy of The Return of the King. In issue 24 - A line in Quenya from a draft version of Namarië. In issue 26 - Uglúk to the dung-pit - a sentence in the Black Speech. In issue 27 - The Elves at Koivienéni - a sentence in Quenya. Also contains a draft version of part the 'The White Rider' chapter from The Two Towers. In issue 28 - A chart of Quenya noun declensions found in the Bodleian Library - The Bodleian Declensions. In issue 29 - All three versions of The King's Letter - including version II in facsimile Edited by Carl F. Hostetter. źródło opisu: The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship, 2005 źródło okładki: zdjęcie autorskie
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