A Tolkien Compass
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This is a guide to the travel and characters of Middle-Earth. Can hobbits be psychoanalyzed? What was the relation between Tolkien's writing and the two World Wars? How seriously can we take the good-versus-evil morality of "The Lord of the Rings" as a useful guide to everyday life? Does Tolkien's Christianity shine through his imitations of pagan legends? The 11 chapters of this book, by different authors coming from different disciplines, treat Tolkien seriously as a literary artist and a cultural giant. The first chapter analyses the character transformation of Gollum, the second traces the "psychological journey" of Bilbo. Robert Plank sees the regime set up by Saruman at the end of "The Lord of the Rings" as a close parallel to fascism. Two chapters analyse Tolkien's narrative technique. Others investigate his use of myth and symbol within the broad Western cultural tradition. Contents • Tom Shippey: "Foreword" (third edition only) • Jared Lobdell: "Introduction" • Bonniejean Christensen: "Gollum's Character Transformation in The Hobbit" • Dorothy Matthews: "The Psychological Journey of Bilbo Baggins" • Walter Scheps: "The Fairy-tale Morality of The Lord of the Rings" • Agnes Perkins and Helen Hill: "The Corruption of Power" • Deborah C. Rogers: "Everyclod and Everyhero: The Image of Man in Tolkien" • Richard C. West: "The Interlace Structure of The Lord of the Rings" • David M. Miller: "Narrative Pattern in The Fellowship of the Ring" • Robert Plank: "'The Scouring of the Shire': Tolkien's View on Fascism" • Charles A. Huttar: "Hell and The City: Tolkien and the Traditions of Western Literature" • U. Milo Kaufmann: "Aspects Editor: Jared Lobdell źródło opisu: Open Court, 2003 źródło okładki: zdjęcie autorskie
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