The Collected Vinyar Tengwar : Volume 1 (Issues 1-10)
praca zbiorowa
Collects ten issues of the journal. Contains: In issue 6 - A chart showing the declension of the Quenya noun - from a letter to Dick Plotz - commonly referred to as 'The Plotz Declension'. Also contains the text of Narqelion (an early Elvish poem), and a letter to Jane T. Sibley, dated 30 May 1964, discussing the runes used in The Hobbit. In issue 7 - Old English and Noldorin translations of "Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast." In issue 8 - A full chart of Tengwar Edited by Carl F. Hostetter źródło opisu: The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship, 2007 źródło okładki: zdjęcie autorskie
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