Motown Throwdown
K.S. Adkins
Because of him college was hell. I gave him a year, he gave me anxiety. I thought we were friends, he thought I was a punchline. Because of him I was undateable. Because of him I needed therapy. While he was in prison, I thought I'd outgrown him. But he's out now and he's... different. He's obsessed with me. Because of her college was memorable. She gave me a year, I gave her a lifetime of self doubt. She wanted to be friends, I wanted to be more. Because I couldn't have her, no one else did either. In one night, I went from a football god to a convict. She would always belong to me. Ten years in prison changes a man, it makes him... more. I'm obsessed with her. źródło opisu: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24914983-motow...(?)
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