Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno Tokyo Teen Fashion Subculture Handbook
Patrick Macias, Izumi Evers
Japanese schoolgirl fashions and subcultures have sprung up, burned out, mutated, and evolved into a pop culture phenomenon gone globalfrom Gwen Stefani's "Harajuku Girls" to Gothic Lolita-fueled manga and the deadly schoolgirl in Kill Bill, it's no wonder that international fashion designers look to the streets of Tokyo for fresh inspiration. This playful and thoroughly researched handbook examines the key styles and subcultures past and present: sailor-suited gangsters, Pippi Longstockings risen from the dead, girls in blackface, teens sporting giant hamster costumes, and more. Each fashion profile is packed with photos and illustrations, history, ideal boyfriends, and must-have items. Also included are a gatefold evolutionary fashion chart, resources, and makeup tips. At last, an in-depth guide to what the girls are wearingand why on earth they're wearing it. źródło opisu: http://www.chroniclebooks.com/titles/japanese-schoolgirl-inferno.html źródło okładki: http://www.chroniclebooks.com/titles/japanese-schoolgirl-inferno.html
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